You're ready to take your life to the next level.

Work 1:1 with Tonya.



Tonya's coaching uses proven strategy, focused guidelines and structured modules blending ancient wisdom and modern techniques in a private online setting, giving you the freedom to take your life to the next level.


It’s a soul journey.

Tonya's there with you. Every step of the way.

""My Life Is Forever Changed! Just do it. You don't even know how badly you need this until you do it. Truly the best decision I've ever made.""

Devon Conway

""Tonya was able to give me hope when I was hopeless. I had tried many different forms of positive thinking over the years and nothing really completely helped. Everything always left me feeling like I needed something else. Tonya used a completely different approach, one that I had never experienced before. She was able to help me get to the heart of what was going on and thatā€™s where the real healing started. She was very gentle and patient as well which is also what I needed. When I thought I was closed off to everyone Tonya was able to help me open up again. I canā€™t thank her enough for that.""

Chrissy Corbett

50% Complete

Two Step

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